Wednesday, August 15, 2012

WSC24 Canada Cancelled.

Plans had been made, flights had been booked, hours had been spent training, sponsors had sent new gear, hours had been spent planning online lessons for students whilst I would be away and committee meetings had taken place just to grant my leave. All for nothing. Yesterday 24 hours of Adrenaline cancelled their World Championship event, only 4 weeks out from the start gun going off. I know at the end of the day it was only a bike race, but to me it was a big deal. It’s what I had to look forward to when my day was shitty and I felt like my job was too hard, it was what got me out of bed at 5.30 to train in the rain, cold and darkness. The elation of being able to go to Italy and then then the disappointment at not being able to go, the elation of going to Canada and now not being able to go. Is it worth spending all this time training and having your heart set on something if it’s not even going to happen.  Now I don’t know what to train for, I don’t have an overseas epic adventure to look forward to and I am angry. The decision to cancel a World Championship event 4 weeks out makes a mockery of the sport, a sport I love so much and have invested so much in, has left me wondering what’s the point? If race organisers don’t take it seriously why should I. Could you imagine them cancelling Kona Hawaii Ironman 4 weeks out? I don’t think so! 24 racing is bloody hard, why does it not get the respect it deserves? It makes me think perhaps I should train for 100km events or XC as they seem to be a ‘recognised’ sport?  But that’s not what I love, I love 24’s I just wish more people did and understood the commitment that goes into just getting to the start line of one.

Here is the cancellation letter:


  1. So disappointing can't imagine the emotion that would be going through my head if I were in your position, but keep ya head up - you 24hr mtb'ers are an inspirational group, and one that inspires a lot of people out there, including myself to want to do a 24 hour in the future!

    Hope you still get a 24hr in this year and that you enjoy the feeling of knowing that the training you have done really means something!

    PS - good to be reading your blog again, I went to the old one a few weeks ago and it looked like it had disappeared!

  2. You should definantly do a 24!!Im going to go race the Scott which will be an awesome race! Thanks for reading!!!
